Saturday, March 30, 2013

Bittersweet Goodbye

Final Day 

     The dreaded day. While we are all sad to leave, none of us let this stop our final hours from being just as amazing as the rest of our trip. We had a huge breakfast of pancakes, hash-browns, and eggs, a much better alternative to the yogurt and oatmeal we were quickly grabbing the rest of the week. We then loaded up and headed out for the final time. 

     We arrived at Kent’s farm and were greeted by his wife. None of us thought we were going to get to see a wolf today, but we were wrong. Kent keeps the two oldest wolves at his home. So we were able to go in and visit with one of them while we waited for the other school to show. Then Kent’s wife took over and lead us into the horse pastures.

Luna, one of the elderly wolves with Shilo and Liam, two staff members

     Kent mainly deals with the wolves while his wife mainly deals with the horses. She began by introducing us all to the horses they have - a few Egyptian Arabians, a stallion, and one other that I’m currently forgetting. Much like wolves, horses respond well to mimicry. Kent’s wife explained her training methods and then began to demonstrate on the stallion, Merlin. Working with horses before, I was very interested to see her techniques. They were something I had never seen before but were very impressive. I’m excited to try it out myself once I have time at  home. 

Kent's wife demonstrating some training techniques


     After the demonstration was over, we all were able to go interact with the horses for a while. We basically just pet them while she continued to talk with us about the horses, wolves, and her life being around all this. Then they put us to work, yet again, mucking up the pasture. We helped for quite a while but we eventually had to head back in order to finish packing and drive the 3-4 hours to the Denver airport (did you know it’s the largest airport in the world?) Before we left, we quickly helped load a little firewood into the truck and talked with Kent for one final time. We donated all our extra food along with $500 to Mission:Wolf, which they were very grateful for. Then it was in the van and on our way to Hermit Basin for the final time as well. 

Merlin and me

Lexi enjoying her job 

Kent speaking with us right before we leave

     We quickly packed our things and headed out around 12:30. Before completely leaving Westcliffe, we stopped at a local coffee shop. Apparently it wasn’t very good coffee, but I had gotten an Italian soda so I was fine. Then goes the several hours to Denver. I helped Blake arm knit his scarf, stared out the windows for a while, we tried to find a place to recycle our recyclable trash (it wasn’t until the airport we found a place), and played some logos on my phone with two of our van rows. We then dropped off our rental and went through security, Janet forgot she had a knife in her bag so got her bag checked, but everything went fine and now here I am writing all this on the plane. 

     I’m excited to be going home for the holiday but I feel as though I have made a second family at Mission:Wolf. This experience will forever be with me. I do plan on returning, hopefully as a full staff member one of these days. Hopefully I can even squeeze in shorter trips before graduation. Janet is already planning a trip this summer with her husband. 

     I have to say, that this experience has been even better than my trip to Spain, and that was really something. It's crazy to think of everything that got shoved into this one week. It was a much needed time to relax from the stressful school life, make a difference, and create a new and happy perspective on life.

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